Thank you for paying your annual dues.

Take a look at what your dues are used for:

Enhancing Community and Beautifying our Neighborhood.  

The annual dues contribution facilitates our community-strengthening activities and initiatives, including maintenance of our community medians, advocacy for street improvements, snow removal, gift cards for the Yard of the Month selections and new residents, the quarterly newsletter with information about neighborhood events, support for community activities such as the 4th of July parade, and the Little Free Library to benefit all our community learners and readers.  By the end of this year, we hope to have pavers in front of the Little Free Library and an additional sign at the entrance to our neighborhood on Bradford.

Maintaining Property Values.  

Your dues support the RNO in maintaining the value of our homes.  Whether it’s our “RNO Yard of Month” program, RNO Welcome Kits for our new resident families or our creation and maintenance of community covenants, all of these activities strengthen our property values while also strengthening our community and our neighborhood.

Avenues for Service to Your Community.  

Our neighborhood is supported by an active Robinwood Neighborhood Organization Board and all the volunteer hours and energy as provided by our block captains and other members of the neighborhood.  Any and all RNO members are welcome to participate and contribute their time and their energy.